
The job that I would like to have in the near future would be to be a bartender since I like parties, I consider it very fun and I like to see people dance, apart because they pay well I have had a couple of experiences being a bartender and I have had it Very well although it is tiring since the parties usually end very late and it is exhausting to stand up all night and it can also be dangerous since drunk people can get violent in addition to bothering a lot. I think that for this work you need to have a good pulse, something to have a good memory to remember the drink recipes, also be patient and be used to getting up early. The type of reward would be monetary and that of the experiences since I consider it very fun to work at parties and it is a relatively easy job and from the experiences I have had, apart from the fact that the area is wide, you can work at private parties, parties of production companies, on cruises, bars etc. But that would be an ideal job now that I am young and then pursue the career I am studying (psychology), so it would be a perfect job for the near future since later I would like to travel the world and perfect my knowledge in psychology.


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