Postgraduate studies

I am currently studying psychology and when I graduate if I have the chance I think I would like to specialize in anxiety disorder. Feeling anxiety about a particular situation is normal and we all, in one way or another, deal with it in daily life. In fact, it is an expected behavior and a necessary force for survival. However, when these emotions and worries begin to become constant, chronic, without much foundation and, mainly, interfere with the functionality of the person, we would already be facing an anxiety disorder.

The manifestations of this disease are observed on a physical level, with symptoms such as tachycardia or palpitations, rapid breathing and choking sensation, with tension and tremor. On a psychological level, through levels of significant distress; and, cognitively, through hypervigilance or a sense of imminent danger or thoughts of possible catastrophe. These signs significantly affect the lives of patients, as they begin to avoid, for example, social situations that they perceive as uncomfortable for fear of being judged or embarrassed.

In our country, the lifetime prevalence of this type of disease is 16.2%, which makes it the most common mental illness, along with major depression and alcohol use disorders. However, and despite being the most prevalent disorder, only 25% of patients consult.

For all the aforementioned, it is that I consider it important to delve deeper into anxiety since it can be very disabling and because in our country it is very common. But I do not rule out specializing in more areas since there are many disorders that call my attention and if I have the possibility I would like to do these courses abroad since it is one of my medium-term goals


  1. I think that sometimes we have to learn how to live with anxiety

  2. Although anxiety disorder is a very common thing in our society, it's generally not taken seriously, which is something to change. It's good to see your interest in this particular disorder!


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