What do you want to do after quarantine?

At the beginning of this pandemic I did not think that I could reach Chile, or perhaps I did, but I never imagined that it was so heavy, I consider that the authorities have made it very bad, but anyway. With my family I think I have coped well with the quarantine but sometimes we fight, I think it is normal since emotionally and psychologically it is heavy, since it changed the routine from one day to the next and it is very easy to have feelings like grief, anger, anguish etc.

I think that if it is an opportunity to improve, maybe rethinking the consumption of meat that produced the start of the virus, I have discovered the twerk, since I needed to do some exercise, it is a lot of fun and it works a lot of the legs and glutes.

If it has been difficult for me to study online since it is very easy to get distracted and do something else, it is also very easy to fall asleep since we are very close to the bed jajajajaj also I see this pandemic optimistically and pessimistically at the same time, the first because it could lead us to rethink many issues and pessimistic because I believe that people of great power have taken advantage of this (if they did not create it themselves) to generate a crisis over privacy in our lives with the excuse of "common good" and "public health"


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